
Latest Ruby on Debian 8 with multi-site

Short notes, how to configure Ruby on Debian 8 and store Slate (helps you create beautiful, intelligent, responsive API documentation)

Salt (SaltStack) dynamic inventory

Salt (SaltStack inc.) pretty cool tools for automation with I use many years. Here example of agent-less (salt-ssh) usage with dynamic inventory (roster and Ansible inventory plugin).

Haproxy before InfluxDB

What we have: Telegraf with send stats to two influxdb servers and dashboard with we need point to only one server. Also we have Nagios as InfluxDB health monitoring.

Forwarding part of application to new version with Haproxy

Sometimes you need roll out part of application (after code refactoring, as example) to prod. Here pretty easy way how to do it with Haproxy

Mass redirect using Haproxy map file

After some migration between applications versions you need to keep backward compatibility. Here example of easy way how to redirect lot of links to new location for Haproxy.  (example for Nginx )

Mass redirect using Nginx map file

After some migration between applications versions you need to keep backward compatibility. Here example of easy way how to redirect lot of links to new location for Nginx. (Example for Haproxy )