
Failed gitlab-runner update. "The following signatures couldn't be verified"

Failed to fetch The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3F01618A51312F3F

Google Education - Mass users creation and passwords sending

Example, how fast and easy prepare and create users. Google documentation show methods, but not explain how to prepare data.

Fix emails date-time after migration to Dovecote

Many mail clients show wrong email receiving date-time, because file creation time is wrong after migration or restore. Here short review how to fix it for Dovecote on ISPConfig.

PDO sqlsrv for PHP 7.3

Some time you need old-school... So, PDO sqlsrv for PHP 7.3 on Centos 7

ISPConfig mass email users creation

Preparing for migration from old email system (±15 years old FreeBSD...) to latest ISPConfig. One of steps - email users creation. ISPConfig have minimalist documentation and few examples.

How to forward one or few VLAN's to KVM virtual machine

Next step using network configuration via Open vSwitch ( How to forward all VLAN's to KVM virtual machine ) provide only one vlan.

How to forward all VLAN's to KVM virtual machine

How to forward all VLAN's to KVM virtual machine using Open vSwitch.