Moving WordPress redirects to nginx
We have pretty cool json from WordPress redirect table and we need move this action to nginx.
jq can help us easy convert it to nginx map file.
[ { "id": 834, "created_at": "2018-08-02 11:41:56", "updated_at": "2018-08-02 11:41:56", "deleted_at": null, "path": "(?i)^(\\/[a-z]{2})?\\/affiliate-landing\\/?(\\?([\\w-]+(=[\\w-]*)?(&[\\w-]+(=[\\w-]*)?)*))?$", "url": "/affiliate/$2", "domain": "" }, { "id": 837, "created_at": "2018-08-02 11:41:56", "updated_at": "2018-08-02 11:41:56", "deleted_at": null, "path": "\\/lt\\/?(\\?([\\w-]+(=[\\w-]*)?(&[\\w-]+(=[\\w-]*)?)*))?$", "url": "/$2", "domain": "" }, { "id": 840, "created_at": "2018-08-02 11:41:56", "updated_at": "2018-08-02 11:41:56", "deleted_at": null, "path": "(?i)^(\\/[a-z]{2})?\\/proxy\\/?(\\?([\\w-]+(=[\\w-]*)?(&[\\w-]+(=[\\w-]*)?)*))?$", "url": "/web-proxy/", "domain": "" }, ... ]
jq can help us easy convert it to nginx map file.
$ curl -s -X GET | jq -r '.[] | with_entries(select(.key == ("url","path"))) | "~\(.path)\t\(.url);"' ~(?i)^(\/[a-z]{2})?\/affiliate-landing\/?(\?([\w-]+(=[\w-]*)?(&[\w-]+(=[\w-]*)?)*))?$ /affiliate/$2; ~\/lt\/?(\?([\w-]+(=[\w-]*)?(&[\w-]+(=[\w-]*)?)*))?$ /$2; ~(?i)^(\/[a-z]{2})?\/proxy\/?(\?([\w-]+(=[\w-]*)?(&[\w-]+(=[\w-]*)?)*))?$ /web-proxy/; ...
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