Good documentation portal with GitLab and MkDocs
What if you have Gitlab and want have pretty cool internal documentation portal? We need Gitlab with enabled and configured Gitlab Pages, Gitlab Runner and few packages from MkDocs. You can use any template or extension from MkDocs and use full power of CI/CD.
Here is a directory tree
Here is a directory tree
├── docker-compose.yml ├── docs │ ├── cat1 │ │ └── │ ├── cat2 │ │ └── cat2-1 │ │ └── │ ├── img │ │ └── .keep │ └── ├── .gitignore ├── .gitlab-ci.yml └── mkdocs.ymlmkdocs.yml example
site_name: Documentation portal nav: - "Introduction": - "Category 1": cat1/ - "Category 2": - "Category 2-1": - "Page 1": cat2/cat2-1/ theme: name: 'material' palette: primary: 'black' accent: 'blue' markdown_extensions: - admonition - codehilite - pymdownx.arithmatex - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.magiclink - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.emoji - toc: permalink: true extra_javascript: - ''.gitlab-ci.yml example
image: python:3.5 before_script: - pip install mkdocs==1.0 - pip install mkdocs-material==5.0.0 pages: script: - mkdocs build - mv site public artifacts: paths: - public only: - masterdocker-compose.yml example
version: '3.7' services: app: image: squidfunk/mkdocs-material:latest networks: - default volumes: - .:/docs ports: - "8096:8000"Finally merge to Master and call documentation via https://{root_project}{sub_project}
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